Who is Champion Health, Inc.?

Champion Health, Inc. has built a foundation on two valuable principles: Honesty and Integrity. Our faith and values stem from the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.” You can count on us to lead by example, be excellent stewards of your bottom line, and make your life less complicated. We are committed to giving you a first-class experience in everything that we do and providing exceptional and personalized service to each of our clients.

We understand the complexities of healthcare and its benefits. We constantly evaluate our solutions based on the current healthcare and benefits landscape, focusing on new or innovative concepts and products for you. 

What is the CHAMP Plan™ that we provide?

The CHAMP Plan™ is a unique and innovative healthcare solution designed to complement primary health insurance coverage by providing an employee with unlimited Primary Care/Urgent Care visits, 100% preventive care benefits, and zero-dollar copays for primary care or urgent care visits. It provides important healthcare cost containment benefits for the employee, such as unlimited access to their own Personal Health Assistant. The CHAMP Plan also includes unlimited prescriptions provided on the formulary for the employee AND their family. Unlimited Virtual Direct Primary Care is also offered to the entire family. Finally, an employee-focused health benefits package that improves their physical AND financial well-being! No co-pays. No deductibles. No coinsurance. No worries!

The CHAMP Plan was also designed to engage employees in technology specifically developed to improve their health! All an employee must do is something they already do many times a day: check their email or get on their phone for about the same amount of time as scrolling through their Facebook feed! Our technology is one of the most innovative, intuitive, and interactive Wellbeing Management applications on the market. Each month, the employee will be required to complete a personal resolution or activity to improve their personal health. 

Our goal is to help employees learn how to make healthier choices and take a more proactive approach to manage their greatest asset: their health. Employees who satisfy these assessments each month will typically receive an increase in their net take-home pay which can be used by the employee however they want to use it. We put employees in complete control of those extra dollars. 

Why does the paycheck look different?

An employee will note additional line items on their paycheck because of the employee’s participation in the CHAMP Plan. These line items reflect a pre-tax premium contribution to the CHAMP Plan, a post-tax premium for the CHAMP Plan premium, and a Champion Health benefit. What you want to compare is what your paycheck is without participating in the CHAMP Plan versus adding CHAMP™ to your benefits package. Our plan design puts more money into your pocket and, in nearly every employee’s case, increases their net take-home pay every month.  

Ready to join the CHAMP Plan™?

Send us a message and we will reach out to you soon.

Can I unenroll from the CHAMP Plan™ at any time?

Because the CHAMP Plan is set up through a section 125 Cafeteria Plan, the rules and regulations of IRS Sections 125 apply to our plan. Unless an employee experiences a Qualifying Life Event, an employee who enrolls in the CHAMP Plan will not be eligible to make changes until the end of the plan year.  

Is there a copay for the CHAMP Plan virtual direct primary care benefit?

No. The virtual direct primary care benefit is a $0 copay benefit. All family members living in the home receive this benefit. 

My primary health plan covers preventive care also, is this duplicate coverage?

If an employee’s primary health plan is ACA-compliant, it will also cover preventive services. One of our many goals with the CHAMP Plan is to drive healthcare utilization away from an employee’s primary health plan. We want employees to get better and faster care, for less money! By helping employees utilize their healthcare benefits more effectively and efficiently, we will accomplish lower healthcare costs together. Employees who are not on the company health plan can still participate. 

Think about this for a moment: the more employees use their primary health plan, the higher the claims will be on that plan, with a direct correlation to premiums. If we spread the cost of healthcare to other coverage and benefits, we can reduce the cost of an employee’s healthcare. The CHAMP Plan sheds utilization away from your primary plan. 

How will I know when I need to participate?

Each month, employees will receive push notifications (messages and text reminders) and emails with important information about their plan benefits and information intended to help improve their health. 

What happens if I do not participate?

The CHAMP Plan™ is a voluntary plan, so an employee is not required to participate. Employees who choose not to participate can join the plan during the following year’s open enrollment.

If an employee chooses to participate but forgets to perform the required monthly activity, we typically provide a 30-day grace period. The employee will receive reminder notifications, and we may notify the HR department to remind that employee to participate.  

What benefits do I get with the CHAMP Plan™?

The CHAMP Plan provides many benefits for an employee, their spouse, and family! Here is a listing of the benefits available: (See all details on fulfillment documentation)

For Employee: 

  • $0 copays for primary care and urgent care office visits 
  • $0 copay for unlimited 24/7 virtual direct primary care 
  • $0 copay for unlimited prescription drugs for acute and prevention 
  • Health Coaches 
  • Wellbeing management technology – innovative and intuitive software that helps employees take a proactive approach to their healthcare. 

For Spouse and Family: 

  • $0 copays for unlimited 24/7 virtual direct primary care 
  • $0 copays for unlimited prescription drugs for acute and prevention 

What types of benefits are covered under “Preventive Care”?

The CHAMP™ Preventive Care benefits cover the services required to be covered under ACA guidelines for the employee. 

What do I show the physician or urgent care office to get my $0 copay?

We provide all employees with a digital ID card, available through our mobile app, that can be presented at the time of service. We also send a digital ID card via email.

What do I show the pharmacist to get my $0 copay?

We provide all employees with a digital ID card, available through our mobile app, that can be presented at the time of service. We also send a digital ID card via email.

Will my CHAMP Plan cover name-brand prescriptions?

The CHAMP Plan covers a long list of generic and name-brand prescriptions at 100% (see the formulary list.) The plan will also cover prescriptions not on the list at a significant discount. 

Are my health responses kept private?

Absolutely, we are HIPAA compliant. Employee privacy is of the utmost importance for us. As such, we take every precaution to keep all information private. No personal information is ever shared with anyone.

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